Two tricks for this fight: Don't let your allies (Alka Zolka and the two Marines) die, and don't let them--or you--turn into Tonberries. The voidsent boss will hit everyone with a status effect of Voidsent Blood and Plague which must be removed ASAP. The Plague status looks like a little tonberry and has a counter; if the counter hits zero the affected person turns into a tonberry and the duty fails. Spam Leeches and Selene's Fey Caress, and keep everyone healed; the NPC allies will do all the needed damage. They're not great at holding aggro, and the boss tosses out several AOE's, so remember to dodge and keep yourself healed as necessary. It can take a while, especially since the two Marines are kind of squishy, but as long as you keep the Plague off everyone, you should be okay.