Don't you think, rather, that The Echo is used for French because they are fiercely secularist, and for English because many Americans are freaky about anything (polytheist/panentheist/pantheist or) mystical in their games (e.g. Hasbro changing Dieties and Demigods in old D&D).
The connotations of the Japanese/German terms are theological and deeply mystical, and the implication is that these people are directly communing with diety and God-touched, blessed above other mortals. Something we talk about in lore but don't address directly as though it had weight.
One might think it's just something that's become standard for those markets, to avoid their sensitivities. Really, laying it on lore is not sensible. It's marketing, or the Japanese and Germans (where it isn't offensive) wouldn't have it as the original, and then have it changed in other markets.